21 More Benefits for People Who Come to Relationship Counselling

Benefits of Counselling Answers

The question that sits at the front of everyone’s mind when they are considering counselling for themselves or their relationship is: "What’s in it for me?"

Every little change in your relationship can add up to huge positive change over a short space of time. It takes real insight to recognize and bring change to all the little intricate aspects that go into building the journey we call “relationship.”

Focusing on these aspects and molding new automatic reflex behaviours and patterns can have huge benefit for you!


To focus through counselling may result in the following personal benefits:


♥ To become more comfortable, conquer self-consciousness in all forms. “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh. Even becoming a bit more comfortable in yourself and your relationship will have lasting benefit in your life.


 To attract praise – because almost everybody loves praise, particularly from their partners, colleagues and family. But the best praise of all is self-praise! Find out how to re-train your mind to shower you with loving praise all the time and watch your world expand.


♥ To increase enjoyment – of your life, of your relationships, of your business, of virtually anything. Unlock your inner-playfulness and strengthen your powers of defense-less-ness, freedom and joy. Discover how the cycle of defense locks us in our own prison and find ways to break free of it.Think about your relationship as you read this list… which benefits stand out the most to you?


♥ To possess things of beauty – Love is beautiful and it nourishes your soul. True beauty cannot be purchased. Find the essence of beauty that lies deep within you just waiting for you to tap into it. Our loving essence never leaves us, but our ability to tap into it can waver form time to time.


♥ To avoid criticism – nobody wants that! Being codependent believing your happiness is derived from other people or one person in particular, and eventually as codependents, you or they may become obsessed with controlling the behavior of the people or person that you or they believe is making them happy. Learn how to detach from others and care for self and find the true power of your emotional self-control.


♥ To feel personally opulent – spiritual wealth is the greatest currency in relationships. Becoming personally opulent is about becoming personally acquainted with yourself and getting to know your true self, your inner beauty on a deep and intimate level, in-to-me-see is the key to opulence.


♥ To Maintain and increase friendship – the whole purpose of counselling is to increase and strengthen the relationship with self and others. As you build the relationship with yourself, you shine from within, and this energetic beauty is a magnet to others on an unconscious level. Learn the secrets of “The Law of Attraction”


♥ To escape or avoid pain – nobody wants pain in their life! Whether it is physical, emotional or mental pain, you want out of that, and you have the power to abolish pain in your life. We have the keys! Stop being a pain master and discover the awesome power that you have within you to heal all pain forever!


♥ Adjustment to Loss – Everyone experiences grief at some point in life. Losing someone or something important in our life can be upsetting and painful. It takes time to work through these feelings and to adjust to life with the loss. Sometimes, a person’s grief can be so intense, to a point when it’s a constant and prevents you from participating in daily activities such as eating, sleeping, being involved in relationships or going to work. Being dominated by grief can be exhausting and this could lead to other feelings of hopelessness and despair. If this is the case, it is important to talk to someone you trust and is skilled at listening emphatically.


♥ To protect your possessions – your relationship is a source of pride and you worked hard to get it. Learn how to stop relationship spoilers like jealousy, affairs, lack of intimacy, addiction, fear, anger, and frustration. Learn how to strengthen the bond with your intimate partner and have a great relationship.


♥ To avoid trouble – because trouble is never a joy. (An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure). Relationships all go through good and bad patches, sometimes rejuvenation is a necessary element. Is your relationship due for a service? Don’t wait for a break down before adding some insight to avoid the pitfalls!


♥ To feel safe – because security is your basic human need and your right! Physical, mental, financial, emotional or sexual abuse and neglect are not tolerated in our society. You have the right to safety and we offer a safe place for you to create a life of safety for yourself. Abuse can lead to deep emotional pain and there is nothing better than the balm of love, security and safety to heal that within you.


♥ To be accepted – because that means security as well as love. find out how to leave a good impression when dealing with others. It all comes down to acceptance of your self. Knowing and loving yourself means there is a far higher rate of others liking you too. When you expect to be accepted by others you become more confident, friendly and interesting around them. Explore the keys to self-confidence with us!


♥ To attract that special relationship –the power of love is supreme. Like attracts like… the Power of Attraction… Are you a love giver or a love seeker? What are you wanting to attract in your life? We all want love givers, not love seekers, yet we manifest in the space of seeking love and attract ‘needy’ people, bringing dis-empowerment into our partnerships. Find out the secrets of attraction from relationship experts!


♥ To protect your family – harmony, safety, and staying together are most important aspects of your relationship. The way to protect your family is to gain increasing levels of knowledge and experience around emotional health, mental health, and physical health. Find out new insights into family dynamics, gain new parenting strategies that work, explore child development, hone your skills as a parent and a family member.


♥ To communicate better – because you want to be heard and understood. Communication skills are essential for success in marriage! A persuasive touch can speak volumes and move barriers. Explore the intricacies of interpersonal love language in relationships. Discover your partner’s language of love and learn how to speak it for stronger communication. Research shows that most couples speak different love languages and that this is a major cause of relationship break-up! Become a specialist communicator!


♥ To escape stress – nobody wants stress! Escape to your inner sanctuary of personal power and beauty. Develop the skills of brief meditation and self awareness to become a dripping tap of relaxation, patience and acceptance in your life! Learn how to create your own personal rescue remedy from the essence of all things wonderful and take a few drops under your tongue regularly. Peace is an inner thing and you have the control. Find out how to get it and keep it!


♥  To give to others – to share love is to nourish your soul. Nourishing your soul is about choosing ‘karmic’ fresh ingredients. Not just in foods, but also in emotions and thoughts. We are what we consume, and unfortunately as a society, we have learned to feed our minds with destructive thoughts. What we consume we share. Learn how to take control of your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical food and how to share this new found opulence with others.


♥ To feel secure – a safe place to explore issues while being supported. Your privacy and the protection of your information, stories and experiences are of paramount importance to us. Counsellors at our centre are professional, qualified, well versed in protecting your personal safety and governed by our Code of Conduct.


♥ To gain intimacy – “in-to-me-see” feeds and nourishes your soul. Our ability to see into others and recognize their truth is directly related to our ability to see into ourselves and recognize the truth about us. The focus of counselling consultation sessions is the reactivation of the “Loving Energetic Field” that you are. This means experiencing the strength, power and truth of the loving energy that is really you, transforming you into the true awareness of Who you really are, becoming a Love Magnet, and developing the ability to extend this Loving Energy to everyone and everything that you desire! Transmuting your body and mind into a lighter conscious state brings experience of true intimacy!


♥ To avoid feeling Feel trapped, lost, and not knowing which way to turn – nobody wants that! Effective goals and the steady steps to work towards those goals brings confidence peace and contentment as well as a sense of achievement! “Crystallize your goals. Make a plan for achieving them and set yourself a deadline. Then, with supreme confidence, determination and disregard for obstacles and other people’s criticisms, carry out your plan.” – Paul Meyer. Give your life meaning and reach out.


Counseling can help you to understand your feelings and problems and learn how to deal with them in your everyday life. You can expect that whatever you and your counselor discuss will remain confidential. Confidential means that the therapist cannot tell anyone, not even your partner, about what the two of you talk about without your permission. 


The exception to this rule is that if the counselor feels that you are in danger of hurting yourself or someone else, including being abused or neglected, he/she is obligated by law to break confidentiality in order to keep you safe.

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