Accessing Inner Wisdom Meditation Explores Deeply with Love

Inner Child Healing Fairy

Get in a comfortable position and close your eyes…, 


relax and let go of any tension you may be holding in your body … Let your mind quiet and let go of all outer concerns… None of that matters now… 


Breathe deeply…… Lay everything in the outer world, down… You can pick it up again later if you wish, but right now, just let it go. Soften…


Focus on relaxing your body and mind… Feel your head relaxing… Your eyes relaxing… You’re Jaw… Your neck… Your shoulders are relaxing… Your arms… hands … Your chest is relaxing…Relax your stomach …your legs.., your feet…


You are letting go of all tension……it feels so good to let go…Feel your self becoming so relaxed that it almost seems as lf you are floating… 


You allow in a feeling of gentleness… a feeling of patience…… a fullness… a peace…a love…a Joy…a happiness… nothing outside matters now…… 


You are now tuned in to a profound peace…(allow time)…


As you feel the peace filling your body, you sense it as a white light flowing through you…. (allow time)….


This white light leads you to your True Self….. you allow yourself to feel one with this feeling of your true self…. 


You let it fill your awareness of your mind and your body…. (allow time)….


The feeling of your inner light grows and you radiate unconditional love and peace… you allow love and peace to dissolve any remaining tension…andit dissolves your fears…… 


You feel them dissolving… disappearing into the light….of this Inner Awareness… It is so strong that everything else disappears but the strength of this loving feeling of your inner light…(allow time)…


Now take this feeling of love to a time in your life during the past week when you felt tension or concern… a situation that you want help in looking at differently… it may be a belief of scarcity or a need to forgive yourself…. Or perhaps forgive someone else in your life…. 


Let the perspective change as it is bathed in this light of love… see how your inner Source transforms your perspective… now listen to the insight from your True Self… (allow time)…


Remember that this true self is always inside of you and is who you really are…. 


Bring this aware self with you as you return to the room … as you are ready open your eyes… allow yourself to see from your Aware Self’s perspective….


Take notes on what you experienced. When you are finished drawing and writing, please say “I’m Done” and when everyone is finished we will share…

Meditation bubble of spiritual energy
Spiritual Awakening Free Workshop
Spiritual Awakening Free Workshop

Spiritual Awakening

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