Anxiety How to Manage the Stress from a Fraser Coast Counsellor

Life is Simple - Love or Fear

Anxiety is an experience of nervousness that occurs when our mind is focusing on possibilities that may have a fearful outcome.

Chronic Anxiety is where one does this a lot and often. A little anxiety is helpful as it keeps us on our toes and tells us something needs to change in your thoughts or your environment.


If you are feeling anxious, it helps to identify whether we are having fearful thinking, or you are in an unsafe environment, or both, and then identify steps you can take to rectify the situation and return back to comfortable feelings of calmness and peace.


If your environment is unsafe, what can you do to fix that? Go to a different place, visit a friend or loved one, chat with family over the phone, or invite someone supportive to come to you may be an option. When feeling anxious, connecting actions work the best! Reserve the fight, flight, freeze responses for real danger.


If your thoughts are what is creating your anxiety, you can take control of thoughts and focus them on a more positive outcome Lesson 121 from A Course in Miracles is great for refocusing the mind, and centering exercises, such as meditation and the Seven Senses Centering Exercise are  also very useful when used often. 

These practices can re-train the mind and teach it to focus on the positive and the loving. Focusing on the uncomfortable outcomes is a destructive habit and a good one to change.As you learn these skills, and retrain your mind, others can learn them from you. What a gift. 


Teach only Love for that is who you are. Wishing you every success. 


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