Harness the Power of a Collaborative Workplace


Harness the Power Workplace Programs


Bring Lasting Change into your life and your workplace relationships through this fantastic e-course that has been developed by Ronald Cruickshank and Clarissa Leary!

Ron and Clarissa bring years of collaborative experience in counselling and business management with individuals, couples and workplace groups around the world.

Leaders simply can not do it all alone. 


They need the cooperation, collective brain power, and commitment of others to survive in this fast moving world of business.


Whether the focus involves creating new products, new services, new processes – or a total reinvention of how the organization must look, function, and position itself for the future, success dictates that the individuals impacted by change be involved in the change from the very beginning. 

 Create a dynamic work environment that fosters collaboration, innovation, development and balance.


 Quality Stellar Customer Service – improved communication skills incorporates automatically into improved customer relation and improved company profits.


♥ Improve Employee Relationships between different employee populations and your organisation by enabling more structure, along with sanctioned and continuous dialogue between and among employees.


♥ Succeed as a Leader – Counselling affects an individual’s ability to succeed from the mentoring partnership and developing leadership qualities skills. Emotional Intelligence in the workplace is imperative to interpersonal communication.


♥ Retain Key Talent – Counselling, when associated with other strategies, improves the employee’s perception of value and net worth in their employment, having a significant effect on long term retention and reducing re-training costs.


♥ Support Diversity Strategies – Critical to an organisation’s success is their ability to attract, retain and develop a diverse and highly skilled workforce. 


Incorporating counselling into the culture and system of your organisation can proactively empower diversity and vision.


Diversity causes people to consider perspectives and possibilities that would otherwise be ignored. Group members who think alike or are trained in similar disciplines with similar bases of knowledge run the risk of becoming insular in their ideas. 


Instead of exploring alternatives, a confirmation bias takes over and members tend to reinforce one another’s predisposition.


Its all about relationships! 


Allowing time for team members to get to know each other, become familiar with each others unique skills and how best to utilise them is paramount to collaborative success.


Knowing each other’s skills and unique abilities enables the selection of the most effective people for each individual project to create a climate of inevitable success.


This translates to trust, effective communication, fantastic customer relations and a thriving business environment!


♥ Generating and Developing Trust


♥ Body Language and Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace


♥ Self Awareness, Motivation and Managing Emotions


♥ Developing Social Skills


This Course includes: 


♥ The Emotionally Intelligent and Collaborative Workplace Relationship


♥ Inspirational Reading E-Book


♥ Study Sheets & Exercise Sheets


♥ Workplace Trust Survey


♥ Meditation Video


♥ Recommended Further Reading


This e-courses can be done by:


♥ Private self-study in the comfort of your own home, and can also be done by


♥ Facilitated-study individually or as a workplace group together with your Relationship Transformation Facilitators Ron Cruickshank and Clarissa leary. Contact Ron for a quote! 

Conflict Resolution Counselling
Conflict Resolution Counselling

Conflict Resolution Workshop

Express your interest in hosting a Workshop in your workplace and Ronald will be in touch with you soon!

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