Conflict Resolution and Anger Management Best Skills e-Course

Relationship Rescue Program


e-Course: How to Resolve Relationship Conflict for Couples, Families and Workplaces

Of all the issues I have worked with in relationship counselling and workplace training, this issue, “How do we resolve fighting and argument in our relationship” would be the most common and frequent.

Julie Johnson said, “We asked you to help with our problem……. we have healed our lives!!” J.J., Kingston, Tasmania.


Conflict occurs when you are both working on different issues, or different problems, rather than working together to resolve the same issue. 


This easy to follow e-Course will be of great help to you as you follow the steps, working through your individual issues, to find lasting and effective solutions.


This e-Course includes Visual Slides to enhance your experience of the Comprehensive Audio presented by Ronald Cruickshank. There are worksheets, a feedback form so you can tell us about your experience, and a Relationship Survey that explores common relationship issues and assists in providing you with what you want and need.


Empower yourself with these great conflict resolution skills and

place yourself in a position to be a team leader!

Easy to follow presentations are great to work with, you can refer back to then time and time again. 

This e-Course includes the following:


♥ Audio Podcast Presentation by Ron Cruickshank

♥ PowerPoint Slide Presentation to accompany the Audio in PDF format

♥ Worksheet Handouts for easy future reference

♥ Meditation Video for relaxation and calmness building technique

♥ Access to Ron’s great E-Book, “10 Things to Give Up to Transform Your Relationship” as Published on


Bring these benefits into your life:


♥ Protect your family – harmony, safety, and staying together are most important aspects of your relationship. The way to protect your family is to gain increasing levels of knowledge and experience around emotional health, mental health, and physical health. Find out new insights into family dynamics, gain new parenting strategies that work, explore child development, hone your skills as a parent and a family member.


♥ Escape stress – nobody wants stress! Escape to your inner sanctuary of personal power and beauty. Develop the skills of brief meditation and self awareness to become a dripping tap of relaxation, patience and acceptance in your life! Learn how to create your own personal rescue remedy from the essence of all things wonderful and take a few drops under your tongue regularly. Peace is an inner thing and you have the control. Find out how to get it and keep it!


♥ Avoid feeling Feel trapped, lost, and not knowing which way to turn – nobody wants that! Effective goals and the steady steps to work towards those goals brings confidence peace and contentment as well as a sense of achievement! “Crystallize your goals. Make a plan for achieving them and set yourself a deadline. Then, with supreme confidence, determination and disregard for obstacles and other people’s criticisms, carry out your plan.” – Paul Meyer. Give your life meaning and reach out.


♥ Feel safe – because security is your basic human need and your right! Physical, mental, financial, emotional or sexual abuse and neglect are not tolerated in our society. You have the right to safety and we offer a safe place for you to create a life of safety for yourself. Abuse can lead to deep emotional pain and there is nothing better than the balm of love, security and safety to heal that within you.


♥ Avoid trouble – because trouble is never a joy. (An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure). Relationships all go through good and bad patches, sometimes rejuvenation is a necessary element. Is your relationship due for a service? Don’t wait for a break down before adding some insight to avoid the pitfalls!


♥ Communicate more effectively – because you want to be heard and understood. Communication skills are essential for success in marriage! A persuasive touch can speak volumes and move barriers. Explore the intricacies of interpersonal love language in relationships. Discover your partner’s language of love and learn how to speak it for stronger communication. Research shows that most couples speak different love languages and that this is a major cause of relationship break-up! Become a specialist communicator!


Conflict is becoming a way of life for so many relationships and in so many schools and workplaces now days! 


These skills are an art form that need to be demonstrated to our children, our staff, and employees, right from the start. Through implementing these skills and supporting each other to work through them, amazing change and lasting transformation is really possible! 


Buy now and you will receive the access password to unlock this fantastic e-course TODAY! 

Upgrade to experience this course by being guided throug by counsellor Ronald:
Conflict Resolution Counselling
Conflict Resolution Counselling

Conflict Resolution Workshop

Express your interest in hosting a Workshop in your workplace and Ronald will be in touch with you soon!

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