National Award Recipient

Counsellor Ronald Cruickshank 2008

National Award Winning Counsellor

Counsellor Ronald Cruickshank National Award Winner:


Counsellor Ronald Cruickshank received a National Award from the Australian Counselling Association Inc. (ACA) for his “Outstanding Contributions to ACA and or the Counselling Profession” as a whole on the 8th November 2008.


Ronald Cruickshank was the chairperson and founder of the Counselling Tasmania Inc.  This award was given during his second posting to this position as chair since the establishment of this incorporation in 2007, and he was also on the board as Treasurer.


International Counsellor:


Ronald Cruickshank is a registered member of Counselling Tasmania Incorporated and the International Institute for Complimentary Therapists. Ronald abides by this Code of Conduct.

Ronald attends Professional Development Meetings with Counselling Tasmania Incorporated, and many other educational opportunities, in order to keep up to date with trends and events within the counselling community throughout Australia and world wide.


Ronald is a current member of Pathways of Light® Spiritual College. He has Professional Indemnity Insurance and Public Liability Insurance for your protection. 


Ronald wants you to achieve the very best possible outcomes, and to this end he works closely with other Health Service Providers and members of your Personal Care Team to provide collaborative and holistic supporting units.


Ronald continues to further increase his skills and knowledge by taking advantage of specialist education such as doing Advanced Study Majors, attending regular training seminars, forums, study groups, reading recent publications, books, & journals, publishing his own research through avenues that are subject to peer review, and through further training through the Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors, the Mental Health Academy and Pathways of Light® Spiritual College.


Rest assured, that with Ronald, you are receiving a qualified, trained, experienced and professional service!

Counsellor Training


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