Meditation - Re-Framing of Trauma and Fear

into Love and Peace!

Trauma is a devastating experience for anyone to go through.


You may experience a loss of someone close, it can consist of sudden threat such as earthquake, explosion, rape, shooting or threat of shooting, and it can also be prolonged such as family abuse, long term sexual abuse, an abusive neighbour, emotional abuse and so on.


When we have no one to turn too for love and support with the grief and fear that arises from these experiences, our only option is to suppress the memories in order to regulate the painful feelings we have in a love-less space. 


Later in life, usually when things become more safe, these memories may begin to surface, and the fearful thoughts and experiences with which they were stored at the time will surface with them, creating discomfort and havoc!


Here is a meditation that will help you greatly, to re-frame the thoughts and experiences, bringing love to the situation and improving the energy with which the memories are stored back into the unconscious.


With this process, after you repeat it many times, the emotion that surfaces with the memories will become less challenging, a little more loving, until you will be able to visit the memories from a space of peace and acceptance. 


From here you can make wise decisions about how best to care for yourself!


For further help and guidance in dealing with your discomfort, stress, sadness, grief and loss, please call +61 400 606 321 and arrange a chat with Trauma Counsellor Ronald Cruickshank, or book a session using the calendar below.


Ron is there to help support you to finding peace, calmness and resolution to what ever it is that is challenging you.

Meditation bubble of spiritual energy
Accessing Your Inner Wisdom Guided Meditation Session

Experience live healing through this meditation with Ron. Discover how to access your inner wisdom through this amazing experience - a one-on-one healing experience or as a group with your partner and/or friends.


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