Counselling Questions Commonly Asked Questions

Marriage and Couple Counselling


Please feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have. Frequently asked questions will be added below, so please check this page first as you may find your answer already here! Thank you, your input helps me shape my business services to meet your needs.

Q: How much are one-on-one consultations and counselling sessions?

A: Service prices are listed in the online store and on my Services pages. Please check with me for a quote. You can book a meeting time using my Online Booking Calendar Facility. Concessions do apply for Commonwealth Government Health Care Card holders and Commonwealth Pension Card holders.

Special Rate First Session
Counselling First Session

The point of using dummy text for your paragraph is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters. making it look like readable English.

Concession Counselling Service
Counselling Concession Rate

Have a Health Care card? Explore with Ron for one and a half hours at this affordable discounted rate.

Q: How do I make a payment or purchase products online?

A: Please go to the Payments Page and enter the amount you would like to pay into the “My Price” box then Click “Add to Cart” to process your payment through the shopping cart and checkout page. If you would like a step by step guidance try this PDF Payment Process Guide. Alternatively you may find the product or service you wish to buy in the Online Store where you can explore the products and services on offer.

Q: How long do the consultation sessions run for?

Sessions generally run for 90 minutes or so, but you can use less time or more if needed. I do not watch the clock and generally allow extra time after each session just in case we need it. Go to my calendar to see your booking options and book a time.

Q: What happens after I request a booking?

Access my online calendar and select from the available dates and times that suit you from there. By selecting the day and time that best suits you, your booking will be recorded in my calendar, and you will receive a confirmation email straight away. You can reschedule your appointment if something pops up that prevents you from attending for any reason. You will be able to purchase or pay for your session online or during the session. I do accept major credit/debit cards, as well as cash.

Q: Are your services covered by Private Health Insurance?

No, my services are not covered under the Better Access Scheme provided through Medicare. There are some private health insurers who will cover counselling as an alternative therapy within their policy guidelines. Please feel free to check with your private health insurance and ask whether counselling is an option.

Q: Are home visits available?

A: Yes, although visits to my office are recommended as there is less likely hood of interruptions, more resources on hand, access to printers, copiers, the experience of a space especially prepared for you, and thus the potential for you to gain most from the session. Consultations are available at a venue of your choice locally, by phone, or online to your desktop via Skype and via telephone. Please inquire. If you are more than 20 kilometers away there may be a travel fee to help with auto costs.

Home Counselling Visits

Q: What is the goal in taking sessions with Ron Cruickshank Relationship and Spiritual Transformation Service?

A: The focus of sessions is the reactivation of the awareness of the “Loving Energetic Field” that you are. This means experiencing the strength, power and truth of the loving energy that is really you, transforming you into the true awareness of Who you really are, becoming a Love Magnet, attracting abundance, strengthening and developing your ability to extend this Loving Energy to everyone and everything that you encounter! Supporting you in transmuting your body, mind and soul into a lighter conscious state bringing experience of Heaven on Earth!

Q: Why are we currently struggling in relationships?

A: Struggling provides opportunity for change, to evolve ourselves and each other. You are energetically directly connected to everyone and everything. Although we perceive separation, like waves, we are all of the one energetic ocean. You are both a transmitter and a receiver. Think of relationships as your bridge to your divine energetic experience and your connection to everyone and everything. Up and down, good and bad, is simply an illusion created in your mind by your own brain. If you are struggling here at this time, then you have a mission as a member of the collective consciousness to bring your frequency into alignment with the Energy of Love to help build a critical mass of Oneness Contentedness through yourself and your relationships in the here and now.

Q: How do we bring our frequency into alignment?

A: By stepping aside from past, from energetic blockages, and replacing our destructive thought habits by creating new energetic connections, new constructive thought habits, we are ACTIVATING the dormant Unconditional Loving Energy that has been waiting for eons inside of you to be released and enjoyed.

Q: Why are people in relationships experiencing physical, emotional, and mental turmoil at this time?

A: Because most people have learned to block off to their emotions, suppressing their “Loving Energy,” building unconscious walls and reacting with defensiveness, rather than responding from Love. Control issues related to sex and survival, victimization, pain, and suffering, poverty consciousness, power, ego, fear and control are activated as a result. When we activate our “Loving Energy” this corresponds to our third and fourth Chakra, we can then evolve past this and be able to truly cultivate Unconditional Love.

Q: How does spiritual evolution happen?

A: Spiritual evolution can only occur through our finding ways to ACTIVATE OUR TRUE LOVING ENERGY that corresponds to our Higher self, the truth of who we are, and thus TRANSFORMING OUR RELATIONSHIPS. I have specific skills and awareness that continue to be given me for this purpose as I evolve, using specific methods and modalities, that work.

For example, if you desire to activate your Soul Identity you need to ACTIVATE your connection to your “Loving Energy.” Once you do that, you become an EMBODIED soul, and will start making all of your free-will choices in line with your soul’s mission, LOVE.

Putting it simply, we have been conditioned through life experiences so that we cannot grow and accumulate enough loving and abundant frequency to allow our natural inheritance to evolve naturally on our own. Every master that has ever been on Earth has had assistance from higher masters (people who have been practicing this for a good while) with their ability to connect to this space of deeper awareness and connection.

Q: What typically happens after a counselling session with Ronald?

A: You will feel pristine and more clear. Most participants report that they feel lighter! It is like heavy weights have been lifted from you and in reality, this is so! Etheric blockages contribute to physical weight on your body. So you will definitely feel lighter, more clear, have less critical voices in your head, and can LISTEN to the loving voice from your Higher Self. You will experience more love and connection in your self. Drama begins to disappear from your life and you are able to be more pro-active than reactive. Most people are carrying around so much mental egoistic baggage and energetic blockages that they cannot even focus for 10 minutes on something loving and emotional.

Q: What is the purpose of this energetic inner exploration?

A: Through gentle talking and experiential methods the purpose is to bring into your awareness old, outdated blueprints that you inherited from your parents, ancestors and through life’s journey that are not for your Highest Good, and then, through direct energetic connecting experiences, also bring into your awareness everything you have inherited that IS for your HIGHEST GOOD, to begin to create new emotional strengths and assets that you can build in yourself! These processes, through repetition and practice, re-write those blue prints, and thus enable you to pass them on to your current associations and our future generations.

Q: What are examples of some of these issues that are not for our Highest Good?

A: The main one is the belief that YOU are NOT GOOD ENOUGH!  POVERTY CONSCIOUSNESS, and the belief that there is NOT ENOUGH are also, common experiences of unworthiness, un-deserving-ness. These unconscious automatic beliefs give rise to guilt, victimization, tyranny, lack, limitation, self-doubt, and over 14 specific archetypes and personas that create the shadow self of a person.

If a Spiritual Relationship Transformation is not done, then when a person gets older, they start to behave just like their parents, even though they consciously resist it and swore that this would never happen. This is because this behaviour is programmed into our unconscious mind and unless you do deep inner work that clears the imprints through the creation of new imprints, you will continue to WALK THE KARMA of your parents and be blind to your own important soul’s mission.

Q: What are the imprints that block natural “Loving Energy” activation and how do we clear these?

A: They are fear based, defensive, love-less strategies and include frustration, anger, avoidance, fear, anxiety, depression, a sense of lack, and escape through drugs and alcohol. These are all addictions, HABITS, that we think may help, but they all distort the truth and disconnect us from our true space of love, help and support.

This is seen as normal behaviour for people to “shut down” and become defensive when tension rises. These unnatural behaviours have developed through generations of warring populations, countries and communities has basically blocked true perception to mankind on an energetic level that creates separation and is keeping us out of our natural deep spiritual Loving Connection.

Q: What typically happens when this re-connection to our Loving Energy is experienced?

A: Physical problems you may have in your body dissipate and may even disappear. Body tensions feel more relaxed, and you are able to breathe more easily. Migraines and tension headaches associated with grief can vanish! I have even see physical symptoms of trauma based stroke vanish! You can FINALLY CONNECT to your Higher Self Awareness and be naturally more open and switched on, EXPERIENCING THE TRUE VIBRANCY OF LIFE!

Q: What has caused this knowledge to have been hidden?

A: Confusion. Actions such as anger depression, anxiousness and disassociation have been confused and incorrectly labelled as emotions. There is only one true emotion, LOVE, and all of these confusing behaviours of angering, depressing, tensing, and fearing are the symptoms of LACK OF LOVE, or absence of love. Once we can identify the symptoms and behaviours that arise from the lack of, or absence of Love, then we have the cure manifested for us to use. THE PRESENCE OF LOVE.

Rule number 1: There is only Love.

Rule number 2: If there is not Love…then see rule number 1.

Q: Is it true that leading relationship experts have said that much of the human struggling is due to unconscious automatic conditioning?

A: Yes. And there are latent strands of what scientists call “junk DNA” that are inside every cell of our body that scientists think do not “do anything” because it doesn’t code for proteins. These are sequences waiting to come in contact with the right codes and frequency so that they can then ACTIVATE OUR FULL CAPABILITY (brain, body, mind, DNA, soul) of our true human reality.

The bottom line is that “Loving Energy” activation is the most important thing you can do for yourself, your relationships, your family and your life NOW in preparation for the huge shifts that everyone will go through in the coming years.

Even if you have already participated in a few sessions me, there are always new awareness’s and protocols I am given every day to help PLUG YOU INTO TRUE JOY and HARMONY that you TRULY deserve.

The point of using dummy text for your paragraph is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters. making it look like readable English.


to it’s highest energy holding potential.

Ron Cruickshank Relationship Counselling Service

Phone: +61 400 606 321

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