Relationship Repair Program

8 Session Series with a Host of Extras

Relationship Repair Program


Find out how to bring lasting repair to your relationship with this relationship repair program!

Change unconscious patterns that sustain struggle in your relationship, discover how to create new and productive pattern, and be on your way turning your relationship around!

8 Sessions + 8 e-Courses

Receive medium term, custom designed support, one-to-one consultation and mentoring from world renowned Relationship Professional, Counsellor Ron Cruickshank.


I will customize this program to meet your needs for your relationship to develop and flourish!

This Program Includes:


♥ An initial consultation session of 90 minutes to identify the foundation for relationship repair,


♥ 7 follow up consultation sessions of 90 minutes to further develop and refine your goals and strategies for meeting them.


♥  Access to 8 of my Relationship Transforming Online e-Courses custom designed to significantly improve your marriage or relationship!


♥ Access to my Fantastic Relationship e-Book:  “10 Things to Give Up to Transform Your Relationship,”


♥ Access to my fantastic 20 Minute DVD Meditation Video:“Body Scan at Falefa Falls Meditation”


You will receive:


♥ A new e-course every week that will help radically change your relationship experience in just 60 days if you implement the strategies I give you!


♥ Unlimited Email Contact while engaged in Therapy with me will add to your emotional support.


Thank you for choosing my fantastic Relationship Repair Program. I am looking forward to communicating with you and developing our relationship as we uplift your personal relationship!


Every little change in your relationship can add up to huge positive change over a short space of time. It takes real insight to recognize and bring change to all the little intricate aspects that go into building the journey we call “relationship.”


Focusing on these aspects and molding new automatic reflex behaviours and patterns can have huge benefit for you!


8 Sessions and 8 e-Courses Plus More

The personal benefits of this Program are that you will:


♥ Escape stress – nobody wants stress! Escape to your inner sanctuary of personal power and beauty. Develop the skills of brief meditation and self awareness to become a dripping tap of relaxation, patience and acceptance in your life! Learn how to create your own personal rescue remedy from the essence of all things wonderful and take a few drops under your tongue regularly. Peace is an inner thing and you have the control. Find out how to get it and keep it!


♥ Give lovingly to others – to share love is to nourish your soul. Nourishing your soul is about choosing ‘karmic’ fresh ingredients. Not just in foods, but also in emotions and thoughts. We are what we consume, and unfortunately as a society, we have learned to feed our minds with destructive thoughts. What we consume we share. Learn how to take control of your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical food and how to share this new found opulence with others.


♥ Feel secure – a safe place to explore issues while being supported. Your privacy and the protection of your information, stories and experiences are of paramount importance to us. Counsellors at our centre are professional, qualified, well versed in protecting your personal safety and governed by our Code of Conduct.


♥ Gain intimacy – “in-to-me-see” feeds and nourishes your soul. Our ability to see into others and recognize their truth is directly related to our ability to see into ourselves and recognize the truth about us. The focus of counselling consultation sessions is the reactivation of the “Loving Energetic Field” that you are. This means experiencing the strength, power and truth of the loving energy that is really you, transforming you into the true awareness of Who you really are, becoming a Love Magnet, and developing the ability to extend this Loving Energy to everyone and everything that you desire! Transmuting your body and mind into a lighter conscious state brings experience of true intimacy!


♥ Avoid feeling Feel trapped, lost, and not knowing which way to turn – nobody wants that! Effective goals and the steady steps to work towards those goals brings confidence peace and contentment as well as a sense of achievement! “Crystallize your goals. Make a plan for achieving them and set yourself a deadline. Then, with supreme confidence, determination and disregard for obstacles and other people’s criticisms, carry out your plan.” – Paul Meyer. Give your life meaning and reach out.


♥ Eight 90 minute consultation sessions and access to Eight fantastic e-Courses from my private collection specifically selected for your unique situation to bring you Lasting Positive Change!


Counseling can help you to understand your feelings and problems and learn how to deal with them in your everyday life. You can expect that whatever you and I discuss will remain confidential. Confidential means that as your therapist I cannot tell anyone, not even your partner if you so wish, about what the two of you talk about without your permission. The exception to this rule is that if I feel that you are in danger of hurting yourself or someone else, including being abused or neglected, I am obligated by law to break confidentiality in order to keep you safe.

Tell me about your desire to know more about this fantastic relationship repair program and I will contact you to answer any questions and tell you all about the great benefits you are about to receive! 


I am ready to custom design this program to fit with your needs.

You deserve the best and most loving life ever! 

YES you do!

Express your interest in hearing more about this fantastic program that will be custom designed to fit for you and your needs.

Arrange a meeting with my calendar below and I will be in touch with you: 

Spiritual Relationship Program
Creating a Spiritual Relationship Program

Spiritual Relationship Workshop

Express your interest in attending this free workshop and be contacted when the next one is happening!

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