Journey with the 7 Senses of Mind Awareness to Your True Self


We will use the 7 senses of our mind to highlight our awareness of our true Self within…


When strong feelings emerge, and your mind is reacting, take a few moments to do the following centring ritual allowing your true Self to bring you to the here and now in peace:


Sit down in a quiet safe place and take three deep breaths……. Three seconds in… hold ….. three seconds out….


Now take two more breaths more slowly…..more deeply……down into your diaphragm… allowing each breath to help you relax more deeply….


Sense of Touch: Notice where you are sitting…..on a chair…..a couch……a cushion on the floor……..Touch the chair, couch, cushion…. Feel the chair…… is it soft or firm…..? warm or cool ……? Is it supportive or do you need to balance yourself…..? ….notice…..


Sense of smell: Breathe deeply…..what can you smell?….chamomile tea?….trees?……? your perfume?…. notice….


Sense of hearing: Breathe more slowly now and Listen……what can you hear?….a clock ticking?……music?…..wind in the trees?…. notice…..


Sense of sight: Look around you….what can you see…..? a colour?….a shape?….an object?…. don’t bother naming it….. just notice….


Sense of taste: Focus on your mouth….are there any flavours lingering?….can you taste chamomile tea?… toothpaste?…. food….? nothing…….? …..notice…Breathe deeply………. notice your breath at the tip of your nose………..


Sense of awareness: Notice your thoughts… fast you think….how, if you don’t react, they are replaced by another thought…and then another….just notice them….don’t react….don’t make a story in your mind about them….just notice………………


Sense of connection: Breathe even deeper……..and again………notice your emotions… they feel in your body…..where in your body you feel them……don’t react to them….just simply notice……don’t make a story in your mind about them….simply feel them…. like waves on the beach….they wash in…….and they wash back out…..don’t judge them…just allow them to be……..


Sense of self: Become aware of that, which is you, and can notice….. become aware of your awareness…… your one true Self that is one with all…..


Sense of oneness: Recognise your Divinity…. Recognise the Light within you….. What you see in you, you will see in others. We are all one.


Now ask your true Self for Guidance here and now………Stretch slowly now and re-join the day…..what choices can you make now……… from the place that notices……form your true Self?


Like any other skill, centring takes practice, not just when things are tense but also when things are calm. It is wise to train before the match! Chose a time and place to practice this exercise every day, it only takes 10 minutes, you deserve that much. perhaps have your friend, partner, or your child read it to you! 


You are love…


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