Stay Out of Bickering e-Book

by Counsellor Ronald Cruickshank

Stay Out of Bickering Relationship e-Course


E-Book: “I am constantly getting caught up in bickering, sometimes over the slightest thing.”

 Bring Lasting Change into your life and your relationships through this fantastic e-book that has been authored by Ronald Cruickshank from his years of experience in counselling with couples and individuals around the world.

“Usually I just shut down and I hate that ‘separate feeling! 

How can I prevent this from happening?”


Through the advancement and development of your inner connection with the truth of who you are. 


The first step in any form of counselling work is to develop the ability to step back from your many aspects and learn how to observe them.


This e-book will help to build further on the foundation for your ongoing self development. You will be able to further enhance your ability to watch your personal dynamics, and your interpersonal dynamics, particularly from a relationship development view point, and gain skills in how to enhance the way you play out in your life and your relationships.


Having awareness of your many aspects, your love language, and your personality types, gives you the control back, empowers you with the ability to make positive and constructive choice in which aspects you use in your relationships, and how to use them. 


This course has many experiential processes that take an intimate look at argument in relationships, your communication styles, and your languages of love, both you and your partner, empowering you both with the ability to make love a default process in your life and abolish argument.

This e-Book covers:


♥ Strategies to “Avoid Argument”

♥ Secret steps to prevent argument finding it’s way into your relationship

♥ Learn how to initiate conversation in tense situations.

♥ Learn how to encourage people to wait and hear what you have to say with baited breath!

♥ Find skills that give you breathing space and time to consider your loving options. 


Conflict Resolution Counselling
Conflict Resolution Counselling

Conflict Resolution Workshop

Express your interest in hosting a Workshop in your workplace and Ronald will be in touch with you soon!

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