The Communication Link to Peace

Love is Peace and Welcoming Candle

In response to my question, “What’s the #1 single biggest interpersonal challenge that you’re struggling with in your relationship that you’d like for me to talk about?” 

A respondent says,“What a question, my answer, peace….So easily said but opens up a deep well of choice for everyone . Ron, the peace I am talking about is the daily challenge our loved ones have in choosing between confrontation or comfort. Our society trains us to confront our hurts with anger or silence when we should be comforting the loved one who has failed in being able to show their love with kindness, so hard to achieve in these fast and furious times. How do we get across the need for compassion and not confrontation?”


Here is my reflection:


The Communication Link to PeaceThe communication link, the voice of love within you, joining your mind with your heart, cannot be broken.You may believe you want it broken, and this belief does interfere with the deep peace in which the sweet and constant communication that love would share with you can be known. 


These channels of reaching out cannot be wholly closed and separated from the love that you are.Peace will be yours because love’s peace still flows to you when your will is peace. You have it now…. The loving essence within you will teach you how to use peace, and by extending peace, you will learn that peace is in you.

The return to peace is certain and the certainty of love is enough to achieve this. Learn that even the darkest nightmare that disturbs your mind holds no power over you. 


Through repetition of the focus on love you will learn the lesson of awareness – the dawning of the knowledge that you are only love.You do not have to know that peace is yours to make it so. It is so. Yet to know it, the will of love must be accepted as your will. 


“I will see only love in this.”


The appearance of devastation, frustration and anger is the result of the mind disconnecting the communication link with your heart, focusing on and extending a belief in separation, worry, fear and even doubt.


These reflections are simply made up images that have no effect on the changeless reality of the love that you are. Beyond the appearances, safely held in the reality of your true self, is the eternal peace you seek. 


This peace cannot be lost to you, but you can deny its presence.The voice for love is ever present in your mind, gently reminding you that you are united with the peace of love, if you will allow it. Listen today. 


Ask yourself, “How would this look if seen through the eyes of love?” and, “How would love respond to this?” or, “What would love do now?”In your heart, you want to hear love’s harmony singing the song of the peace that you share with all that is.To have peace… teach peace through active demonstration. To help restore the awareness of peace in another… offer the hand of love.


The Peace Track


Permission is granted to be aware that some of our decisions and observations are flawed.

Exploration is necessary to identify those decisions and observations with a perspective for change.

Acknowledgement is needed to identify that you are willing to be open to new understandings that bring calmness and love.

Consciously examine these new understandings and if they align with your inner truth of love – adopt them and practice them often.

Express your life as a demonstration of your highest, most loving, beliefs.


Trust that everything is exactly as it should be, even if it dosen’t feel like it,

Respect that everything is an opportunity to practice peace,

Accept that everyone is doing the best they can with what is available to them now,

Caring is an expression of love to yourself and others,

Kindness is the natural result.

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Spiritual Awakening

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