The Impact of Depression on Our Daily Lives and 

How Important it is to Seek Help

How to beat depression

Depression can have a major impact on our daily lives.

Our natural state is one of openness, loving connection with others, loving connection with our surroundings and environment. This is a place of energetic flow, peace, joy, and well-being.

When we lose connection with that energetic flow within ourselves the effects are devastating!

We have less energy to do things and we feel lethargic. Our home life suffers, our families can sense the disconnection and begin to react, and we could not be bothered about anything. Our work life suffers as our inspiration that stems from a strong energetic flow becomes less and less available. It gets replaced with irritation, frustration and an energy-less place of “I don’t care…” Communication breakdown and job-less-ness are a natural result of depressing.


Physically, our bodies are 97% water and 3% protein, so what is it that holds us all together and stops us simply flowing down the plug hole?


It is our energetic flow that holds all the body cells together and keeps them alive and resilient! When our energy flow is reduced we have less physical resilience. We are open to invasion by viruses and bacteria, also our cells are more prone to break down and manifest as a host of physical illnesses! Heart and circulation problems, dietary problems, diabetes, cancer, and many other illnesses have been proven to reduce in prevalence and actually improve with a strong personal energetic connection.


When our energetic flow is reduced, our bodies become aware that something is wrong.


This triggers our automatic defense mechanisms to launch into action! Firstly hormones are released into our system that increases adrenaline, speeding up our minds, and robbing our stomach and intestines of vital blood flow in order to bank it up for immediate use in flight fight mode by the large body muscles. This causes us to experience a sinking feeling in our stomach and feel nauseous and ill.


At the same time, the liver releases extra bile into our stomach as a secondary defense strategy, making our stomach contents more acid, to protect against viral attack and make us less tasty in case of saber tooth tiger attack! Now we feel really ill, and if the stress continues, we can digest ourselves from the inside out! Indigestion, heart burn, ulcers…. And we think we are protecting ourselves??!!


This is a primitive response to stress that will remain automatic until we reprogram it! The result of continually locking into defense mode is eventually exhaustion, a space of can’t think clearly, can’t do anything, and can’t feel anything either because depressing is an automatic choice to shut down our uncomfortable feelings, and an unhealthy automatic choice at that! As we shut down our uncomfortable feelings, we shut down the comfortable feelings too! Tap on or tap off… we can’t have both. Which one are you choosing unconsciously? 


We think that if we shut off the uncomfortable stuff that we will enjoy more comfort. This is a fallacy and a lie! It is actually the shutting off that creates the discomfort. We just blame that on something else or someone else because it happens so fast inside of us, unconsciously, that we fail to realize we did it ourselves!


You see, it all comes down to our energetic flow, our basic flow of emotion, e-motion, (energy in motion). There is only one emotion and that is our loving connection. If it is flowing we feel happy, joyful, connected, content, pleasant, energized . The list of names we give to being connected within ourselves is huge. If I am connected, I feel good, if I am not connected, I feel bad. I can describe my disconnected feelings as sad, depressed, frustrated, annoyed, angry, lethargic, exhausted… the list is equally as huge.


Who is it then that has control over my energetic flow?


Who holds the tap and turns it on or off? 


The truth is that I do! It is an unconscious automatic program running in my mind, functioning ten times faster than I can think! 

Here is the cycle:

Cycle of Fear Pain Management

Is this your life cycle? 


This cycle has to wear a person down and become exhausting. It will shorten your life span and can eventually kill you! Nobody wants this, but how can you stop something that happens faster than you can think?


The answer is – you can’t! Unconscious cycles can not be stopped, they have to be reprogrammed. Reprogramming is achieved through learning new habits.


Any cycle can be changed. The first step is recognizing that we are in this cycle. The next step is deciding where to stop it. Let’s look at the fearful thoughts. Are the thoughts that you have most frequently in life fearful or loving and connected? Which ever one you use the most will become automatic reflex and be occurring in your sub-conscious mind ten times faster than you can think! That’s what reflexes do, and reflexes are learned. So ensure that you stop such thoughts as soon as you recognize them and replace them with loving connected thoughts about anything straight away. Get started on building a new habit today, it will become reflex soon, just like any learned skill, that’s heaven on earth! 


Beat Depression Rule no.1: I will allow only loving thoughts.
Beat Depression Rule No. 2: If I fearful thoughts creep in see Rule No. 1.


Next in the cycle is anxiety. Again this is a learned response to fearful perceptions and fearful thoughts. To become anxious is to attempt to distance your self from something. How fast is this response in you? Does this increase your energetic flow of loving feelings or decrease it?


OK, so what is the opposite of anxiety? Anxiety is fear, fear is absence of love, send it love. How easy is that? How do you send yourself love and create calmness? Deep breathing, A soothing environment, loving images, meditation, soothing oils and scents are just a few ways. Make a list of what works for you and choose one every time you feel uncomfortable.


Create a new habit today; it’s time to get started. Make this a habitual part of your strategy for your Beat Depression Rule No.1.


Next is shut down. Now the disconnection is becoming complete. When we get to this stage we really need some help. We don’t have enough energy to turn the tap back on, because turning the tap off has disconnected the flow of energy. We have no desire to change things, because desire comes from the flow! No drive, no motivation….


Depression (or no energy flow) is the result. Rather than shut down, we need to choose to connect. We need to turn to someone or something that represents a loving connection to us in some way, and fast! Make a list of anyone you can turn to when you feel depressed. Add your local help-lines and community services.


Your local Natural remedies outlet may have some great ideas to help, such as fish oil and other great herbs. Symptom management is a good start. Willingness is the key, but willingness is shut off, it’s part of that energetic flow! So it helps to give those around you permission to be your willingness for you when yours disappears. Trust that they will have your best interests at heart and allow them to support you.


Finally in the cycle, there comes depression. Now we are totally stuck and really need some help and support. The symptoms of being in this space are debilitating. Your family doctor can prescribe medications that will help relieve the symptoms. If they don’t work within 6 weeks, go back and ask for a different medication. You deserve to feel good!


But real cure means working on the cause!


The cause is the unconscious and automatic choice to step onto this cycle. This needs re programming through an intensive routine of connection and learning a new cycle.


Your counselling team are skilled in knowing the steps to take because they are all about connection, it’s their job! It is wise to seek help, and reaching out is the opposite of depressing. Your counselling team are masters at working with the energy of love and have learned many ways to keep themselves locked into the flow and keeping the tap open. Stopping negative automatic patterns takes some skill and dedication from them and from you, and practice, practice, practice!


There is no overnight fix, but just like learning to ride a horse, you may fall off a few times, but eventually you become an Olympic standard rider! Begin your journey to Olympic standard connection today! Take the next step from managing the symptoms to dealing with the cause! 


Choose love, connection, vitality and energy.

Cycle of Love
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