Health Matters Chronic Stress

What are some of the concerns?

Stop Pain 3

Chronic stress is a continuous and prolonged experience of being disconnected from a loving space within your self.

Our true essence, loving energy, is the spirit that vitalizes our body and holds all this collection of water and a little protein into the form we call “me.” To disconnect from the flow of this essence within us is to reduce the supply of energy that we have available to exist!


Stress is fear, fear is the opposite of love, and fear is a disconnection from the flow of love within our selves. Chronic stress in the workplace, in relationships, in family environments and stressful communication styles can be debilitating and have devastating affect on our lives, our bodies, and our relationships. It is bullying to ourselves and bullying to others.


Less energy available for our system translates into:


  • Fatigue, laziness and tiredness
  • Low energy levels, even exhaustion
  • Less ability to hold our individual body cells together and shield ourselves from exterior physical or verbal invasion
  • More open to infection, virus attack, illness, and deformed cell growth such as cancer
  • Higher prevalence of chronic illness such as heart disease, type 2 Diabetes, Chronic Fatigue, Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Higher prevalence of allergies such as Gluten intolerance, asthma, eczema, and other food intolerance
  • Poor sleep patterns – love is peace, and peace is sleepy and restful. No love = no peace, no peace = no sleep, no sleep = no recharge, no recharge = no resilience.


And this is just the tip of the iceberg! Medical science is discovering more and more the debilitating effect of stress on our lives. Health funds are recognizing this and pouring more resources into prevention such as exercise and fitness membership rebates. Stress costs our businesses billions of dollars in lost time, lower productivity, less inspiration, staff absenteeism, the loss of skilled individuals from your workforce team, and having to maintain a pool of temps.



Cycle of Fear Pain Management

More affects of Chronic Stress include:

  • Lower ability to self regulate your internal affect
  • Short temper and internal irritability
  • Frustration and mental confusion
  • Inability to connect to your higher Wisdom for effective answers


Your self defense system was designed to keep you safe, but when it is hyper alert, your health and well-being can pay the price dearly.


Our bodies are hard wired to react aversively to stress. While our environments have changed considerably over the last couple of centuries, our bodies have not evolved sufficiently to cope with the ever increasing triggers for stress. We are faced each day with increasing work loads, family demands, budgeting, staff management, (not just one person to help dig a post hole, but teams of 100’s). Dealing with mass customers who are all hard wired to react to stress just the same as you are! Sound like a recipe for imminent self destruction? This archaic method of reaction is no longer viable.


It is a good thing that we now have the ability to change our hard wiring! That’s right, we can actually re-program our minds, and this has an ongoing affect on our bodies that reverses all the effect listed above! With the help and support of skilled counsellors, coaches and mentors, such as the team here at Ron Cruickshank Relationship Transformation Center, you can design routines, systems, affirmations, meditations, and a host of interpersonal skills that are all custom designed to help you to re-wire your reaction system. Re-wiring this system changes it from a space of reaction and self defense, to a space of connection, reflection, and loving response.


The benefits of increased love (reduced stress) are immense:

Cycle of Love

♥ Inner peace and self calmness

♥ Greater resilience to infection, virus attack, visibly younger more youthful bodies and skin

♥ Higher energy levels to lead with inspiration and vision

♥ Reduced likelihood of chronic illness, heart problems, cancer and dietary problems developing

♥ Great sleep patterns leading to efficient recharge

♥ More love and enjoyment in your life

♥ Greater ability to play, be happy, and have fun!

♥ Fantastic interpersonal relationships at work, with the family, with your community.


So let’s get started! Who is it that is really in charge of your inner peace?Take a sample of your current stress level on a scale of 1-10 where 10 is highly stressed, where are you now?


Everyone carries a certain level of stress in their bodies until they learn to replace it.


Just stop for a moment, take a few deep breaths right down into your diaphragm….. picture yourself walking along your favourite path… you are surrounded by nature, your favourite plants, some cute furry animals, bird song…. Breathe in the scent… feel the warmth of the sun on your back… step forward easily and feel deeply relaxed….. you come to a clearing and sit on the bench seat there…. Just soak up the warmth, the love, the peace……..


What happens within you as you do this simple exercise? Has your stress level reduced? What is your scale rating now? Repeat this simple meditation again and see if it comes down further.That’s right, you are in charge of your emotional stress levels and the level of love flowing through you is simply your choice. If you don’t make the choice it doesn’t happen! It’s up to YOU! But there is a benefit in making this choice to choose loving thoughts only. Just like learning to ride a horse, eventually the mind becomes retrained with a whole new set of reflex reactions so that you don’t have to waste time thinking up the choices. It all becomes automatic, 10 times faster than you can think!


Just imagine what your life would be like with a whole new set of reflexes that are feeding you love, peace, calmness and joy all the time from a deep unconscious level within you. How amazing would you feel? How amazing would you look? How amazing would your relationships be?




Make the first choice to connect with me and get started on custom designing your vehicle to peace, love and richness 


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