Workplace Bullying and How to Get a Handle on it!


Bullying in the Workplace eCourse


Bring Lasting Positive Change into your life and your workplace relationships through this fantastic e-book from the Course that has been developed by Ronald Cruickshank from his years of experience in counselling with work groups, couples, families and individuals around the world.

Advance the development of connection with your staff, employees and teams! 

This e-book will help to build proven techniques to manage workplace communication issues that employers will experience at some time during their workplace management journey. Add to the foundation for your worker’s ongoing self development. 


You will be able to further enhance your ability to manage your workplace dynamics, and your interpersonal dynamics, particularly from an employee development view point, and gain skills in how to enhance the way you play out in your life and your workplace relationships.


This e-book provides proven Tips that work on the following:


Having awareness of these workplace bullying preventative systems gives you the control back, empowers you with the ability to make positive and constructive choice in which aspects you use in your workplace relationships with your staff and employee teams, and how to use those aspects effectively. 


This course has many experiential processes that take an in depth look at common and frequent workplace challenges, your communication styles,  and your management methods,  empowering you with the ability to make respectful and caring communication a default process in your workplace life, abolishing argument.


♥ Identify what types of behaviour constitute bullying and workplace harassment;


♥ Listing the impacts bullying can have on the individual, fellow workers and the organisation;


♥ Identifying the laws that prevent bullying and your organisation’s obligations;


♥ Finding avenues for seeking help within your organisation and externally; and


♥ Accessing your organisation’s bullying policy. 

Why not get the complete e-course and receive a helpful workbook that works you through the many processes and a host of extra handouts! Great value!

Conflict Resolution Counselling
Conflict Resolution Counselling

Conflict Resolution Workshop

Express your interest in hosting a Workshop in your workplace and Ronald will be in touch with you soon!

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